Karlstad Mosque Building Project
A mosque with a prayer hall for men and women, a , study rooms, meeting rooms, and a conference hall.
A mosque with a prayer hall for men and women, a , study rooms, meeting rooms, and a conference hall.
The administration of the mosque in Karlstad, responding to the growing Muslim community, plans to construct a center that serves as a symbol of knowledge and a beacon for calling to Allah. The mosque is seen as a place for both spiritual and material guidance, fostering worship and knowledge. Its role is crucial in connecting and fortifying the Muslim generations in maintaining their Islamic identity, ethical values, and Arabic language, particularly in the challenges posed by living in Europe.
The center’s vision is to preserve the Islamic presence in the city of Karlstad and beyond, disseminate it, and work towards encouraging positive integration of Muslims in society. This integration seeks to balance the preservation of Islamic identity on one hand and the practice of good citizenship on the other, in service to the public good and in pursuit of the principles of security, harmony, and prosperity in society.
The Islamic Cultural Center in the city of Karlstad was founded on the second of April 1993. The center was registered as an independent association with the number 8732019878 on the same date.
By interacting with them to achieve the consolidation of social peace in society.
Calling to Allah (God) in the best way through introducing the correct and moderate Islamic values, and rejecting everything that leads to violence and coercion.
By working to achieve the presence of Muslims in society and representing them in various institutions.
Which includes helping them preserve their cultural identity and aiding them with their social affairs.
By providing help, guidance, and the opportunity for them to learn the Islamic religion and the Arabic language.
To teach monotheism, jurisprudence, and the Arabic language for adults and children
For memorizing the Qur’an and teaching Tajweed for men, women and children
Such as Tarawih prayer, Tahajjud, group Iftar, and group Suhoor
Such as the five daily prayers, Friday prayer, and the two Eid prayers
Such as bathing the body, as well as burying them in a cemetery specifically designated for Muslims
Introducing how to adapt to Swedish society without losing Islamic identity
To ensure their integration among their Muslim brothers
Such as marriage, divorce, and reconciliation
Conducting religious courses for all Muslims
Conducting Quranic courses for youth during the summer vacation period
Organizing annual conferences that invite scholars and experts from abroad